Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Car Topics: A Subject For Nevada Legislature

On the docket for the Nevada legislature this past week were several bills related to automobiles. Some passed, some did not. Here are the highlights:

Senate bill 140 was passed prohibiting texting and hand-held cell phone use by all drivers beginning January 1, 2012. Warnings will be given until that date. When the bill goes into effect, the first offense brings a $50 penalty, $100 for the second, and $250 for the third and subsequent offenses.  There are many aftermarket and dealer installed devices for hands-free cell phone use in your vehicle. If you cannot afford a device, pull into a parking lot or onto a safe road shoulder to make or receive a call. Be smart and safe when driving.

AB511 passed, allowing self-driving cars on Nevada roads. Internet search giant Google was seeking a place to legally test drive remote-controlled vehicles. This legislation makes Nevada the first state to take such an action, and might lead to more high technology research and jobs in the state.

 Senate bill 235 died. This bill would have allowed police to cite drivers for not wearing a seat belt without first having to charge them with another offense.

Parts of this blog post reprinted from June 7, 2011 Las Vegas Review-Journal article found on page 7A. 

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